Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 3, 2014

My Celebrity Girl Crushes

Hey everyone! I thought this might be a fun post - let me show you my top 10 most beautiful women. I just adore their style and their look, and yeah, they're my girl crushes. Let's get started:

1. Emily Ratajkowski

OK, so we all know her as the girl from the 'Blurred Lines' video. But really, she's just so gorgeous. Love her face, and love hearing her give interviews (because she's a smart cookie). I, like the rest of the world, have been obsessing over her. I just love her face - to me she represents what 'drop dead gorgeous' means.

2. Jessica Alba

I think Jessica has been on every woman's most-beautiful-list for a long time. She's breathtakingly beautiful, has a great smile, and can pull off any hair style/make up. I love her fashion sense, she's one in a million to me.

3. Emilia Clarke

Surprisingly, I'm not a big 'Game of Thrones' fan (I still haven't read the books), though her character is my favorite. I really started to adore her when I saw her as a brunette. She's got a very demure look to her, and she's a brilliant actress. She's going to be a favorite of mine for the next few decades! ;)

4. Candice Swanepoel

Candice is my favorite Victoria's Secret model (and she got to wear the Fantasy Bra this year, I was so excited for her). No need to explain much, just look at her, she's perfection.

5. Kim Kardashian

I know Kim gets a lot of hate, but I love her face - I'd agree with Kanye and place her on my 'most beautiful women of all time' list. I personally don't see any reason why I should hate her - because she's successful and gorgeous? So stupid. I'm actually excited to see her on the cover of Vogue. I started following the reality shows a few years back and I got hooked - they're addictive.

6. Lisa Bonet

Being the oldest on my list doesn't affect her at all - she gets more beautiful with time. I remember watching her as a child in The Cosby Show, and was blown away by her beauty. I think if I had to choose the most beautiful woman of all time, it would have to be her. She can do no wrong, as far as I'm concerned. Also, her man has to be the sexiest man I've ever set eyes on in my life (Khal Drogo, yummy). Everything about Lisa is perfect.

7. Cassie Ventura

Sean P. Diddy Combs knows this is a girl you do not let go - so I think most of you will know her as his GF. I think she has gorgeous skin, and I loved her with the shaved-head hairstyle. Great body on her as well. I really don't know much about her, but am obsessed with her. I think she has the most beautiful eye color out of all the women on my list.

8. Amber Rose

The only woman in the world that looks better bald-headed. I love Amber, I think she's the bomb. She's fabulous, and also, one of the most beautiful pregnant women I've ever seen. She's got a very interesting personality.

9. Megan Fox

I remember how I used to be obsessed with her, but now I'm kind of chill. I think plastic surgery is most of the times completely unnecessary. I think Megan is a good example of how plastic surgery can make you less-beautiful. I think she needs to go back to a more natural look and just relax and enjoy. Her eyes are perfect.

10. Rihanna

You know, no one looks as good with red hair as Rihanna. Well, is there a hair style or hair color that she can't pull off? I love her spirit and how bold she is. And also love her nails. She's my favorite bad girl. The tattoo under her bust - perfection. I think I loved her the best with red hair.

So that's my list. Would you agree with my choices? Do you think I left someone out? Let me know. Also, I am now on INSTAGRAM - jelenatpr, so follow me there. I usually upload photos of my cat, but I do post nail looks while I'm wearing them, and they make it to the blog only a few weeks later. You can follow me HERE.
Thanks for stopping by, 

love, Jelena

EDIT: Pozdrav svima koji me uhode i koji dolaze sa Šminkerice (ili kako god se to zove)! :) Ovako, da objasnim što se dogodilo budući da se moji komentari brišu, a komentari koji pljuju po meni ostaju (cenzura bwahahahaha).
Upozorila sam autoricu jednog članka da na stranici s koje je preuzela fotke jasno stoji da je takvo ponašanje nedopušteno, a budući da njezina stranica zarađuje preko prometa, onda znači da oni zarađuju koristeći fotografije koje im nije dozvoljeno koristiti. Čak sam im screenshotala na svom twitteru dijelove iz 'Terms of Service', budući da ga same nisu bile voljne pročitati.
Ja ne zarađujem preko ovog bloga - nemam Google Ads (reklame) sa strane niti igdje na stranici. Zbog toga, a uslijed i drugih elemenata, ono što ja radim spada pod ''fair use''. 
Kada imate posao, kada imate web stranicu gdje zarađujete preko broja posjeta (preko reklama), ne možete stavljati koje god fotke želite - posebno ako tako jasno stoji na stranici s koje ste takve fotografije preuzeli. To sam pokušala objasniti ovima sa Šminkerice (ili kako god se to zove), međutim to ne ide. Pretpostavljam da blogericama ne bi bilo drago da netko uzme njihove fotke i zalijepi ih na svoju stranicu preko koje zarađuje novce, je li tako? ;)

Uglavnom, za one koji se vraćaju ovoliko daleko u moj blog (a ove su me valjda uhodile nakon mojeg prvotnog komentara, tko zna), nakon što sam im pokušala objasniti da je to što rade pogrešno, sjetila sam se da i ja imam fotke na mom blogu koje nisu moje - ovaj post. Ja doduše, ne zarađujem preko ove stranice, ali uglavnom, sjetila sam se da bih mogla updateati ovaj post novim fotkama (kao što to često znam raditi, barem to znaju ljudi koji me redovito čitaju). Kad ono, ove me optužuju za svakakve smiješne stvari. Pa eto, vratila sam i originalne fotke da stoje zajedno sa novijima, zašto ne, nemam se ja čega bojati ili se pred ikim skrivati. Htjela sam im pomoći budući da je stranica s koje su uzele slike (a gdje jasno piše da to nije niti u kom slučaju ok ili dozvoljeno) poznata po tome što pronalazi takve fotke i onda vas tuži. Uglavnom, bring it! 
A btw, ova 'mala sitna slova' koja stoje na dnu članka bila su tu i prošli put. I to isto mogu dokazati. ;) Kao što ta 'mala sitna slova' (kako ih one zovu) stoje i na ctfxc postovovim ili na sponzoriranim postovima. Ali svi koji me i inače čitaju to znaju, mislim, ne možete ih fulati. One tvrde da imaju screenshot čitavog mog posta, pa će vam i one to moći pokazati.

Budući da me znate, znate i da imam screenshotove SVEGA, čitavih komentara, pa bih mogla napisati koji post o tome, čisto jer ne volim takvo licemjerje: tj. moji komenatri su cenzurirani i uklonjeni, a njihovi ostaju. Jadno. Možda bih i ja mogla staviti reklame na blog, pa onda u postovima koristiti tuđe fotke? Zvuči kao dobar plan za zaradu, zar ne? :)

---EDIT br.2: Znate što? Neće meni nitko govoriti što ja mogu, a što ja ne mogu raditi sa svojim blogom. A posebno ne osobe koje rade NEŠTO ŠTO IM JE VRLO JASNO ZABRANJENO, a još preko takvih aktivnosti zarađuju novce! Takve osobe NITKO ne bi trebao slušati, a posebno ne ja. Neće mene takve osobe natjerati da se sramim dopuštenih postupaka, kada bi se sami trebali zapitati što to rade. Trebalo mi je 100 godina da pronađem fotke koje smijem koristiti, pa ih mogu staviti ili skidati kako god i kad god poželim. Na kraju krajeva, ja ne zarađujem preko toga niti koristim fotke u komercijalne svrhe. Kada zarađujete preko sadržaja Vaše stranice, onda bi vam bilo JAKO DOBRO da se pobrinete da sav sadržaj te stranice pripada Vama. Ljudi koji me napadaju to VRLO DOBRO znaju, zato im je trebalo toliko dugo da među 200+ postova prokopaju jedan koji bi mi mogli polu-šlampavo 'zamjeriti'. A i da sam ih optužila za nešto što nikako ne stoji, samo bi odmahnuli rukom, ne bi krenuli u napad - to nešto govori, zar ne? Ove slike ću nastaviti updejtati kad i kako god mi se svidi, a osobama koje zarađuju preko tuđeg materijala iskreno preporučujem da ili maknu reklame sa stranice, ili da počnu plaćati za fotografije koje koriste (što bi na kraju krajeva, bilo pošteno). Pusica!

*** Obviously, I do not own any of the photos featured in this post, however I am not earning any money from this blog. If I've used one of your images and you want it removed, please feel free to contact me.

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'70 grape sweater accent nail accessories acrylic afrodita alessandro alverde arm art ASHley autumn aveo avon baking paper balea balm base beautyUK berry BioProl bipa black blackest black bloody mary to go blue blue paradise blush body body lotion body&soul book bornpretty bronze bronzer Brown Bruno Brownani brush candy bar care carmex catrice Caught On The Red Carpet cera di cupra chi chi circus confetti city amazon cleanser clouds coastal scents collection colour&go comparison concealer coral cracking creative ctfxc cupko deborah deborah milano dental floss dental floss container pieces dermapip discussion DIY dm dotted dragon skin Dulce and Havanna ebelin essence Eveline eyebrows eyeliner eyes eyeshadow face fantasy fire farmakol fashion favorite floss nail polish necklace flowers Formula 10.0.6 foundation fruit juice fun Gabrini garnier glitter gold gold fever golden rose Goldfinger gradient green grey Grey's Kelly hair halloween hands haul hazelnut cream pie hearts hibiscus highlight hipp hm hobby hologram Honey Crystals i wear my sunglasses at night ikea inventory iq cosmetics iris bon bon Its Rambo No5 jewelry KKCenterHk L'oreal La Roche-Posay labello lander lashes LE leaves limited edition lip balm lipgloss lipliner lips lipstick look by bipa lotion lush make it golden make up make up bowl make up factory mascara mask mat matte max factor maybelline midnight date military jacket mini colorama mint miss piggy reloaded moment Mont Bleu muller nail art nail beads nail file nail sequins nails navy neon neutrogena nivea nude nuxe oil olival ombre orange organisation palette party blue passion for fassion peeling perfume pigments pink pip powder preview prussian blue purple rainbow rainbow necklace red review revlon ring rosal rose Rouge Parfait run forest run S-he sale sand scent schwarzkopf scotch tape sea season of extremes sephora shampoo shimmer silver Sir Yes Sir skittles smart girls sombrero tan sparkly sponge spray stamping stickers studio nails top sealer studs summer summer look sundance sunset clouds swatch syoss the nude the better tools trust in fashion turquoise fever velvet nail powder wash water decals wax wet'n'wild white winged wonder women yellow yellow submarine yolizul